Hebrews 13:16 says, “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” (ESV) Galatians 6:2 tells us, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” (ESV)
During the Christmas Eve service held at our neighboring church, Metropolitan UMC, their pastor made an appeal to those of us coming together to worship that day. He told us of one of the ministries serving our shared community for which Metropolitan has taken responsibility.
Some of you may be familiar with this ministry, which formerly operated as Arnold House. It is a weekly meal serving needs of 350 to 400 people each week.
The average cost to underwrite one week’s meal is $500, which is quite a lot for any church to do each week. Pastor Mason requested both financial and volunteer support for this ministry.
Why am I sharing this? In response to the appeal made by a sister church on Christmas Eve, we received sufficient funds designated towards this ministry at Metropolitan that Faith was able to underwrite the cost for one week’s meal.
At Faith, we have witnessed for many years through our ministry to the homeless the difference it makes when congregations come together for the glory of God.
In this last almost two years as we struggled to keep that ministry going, often it was individuals representing neighboring congregations who made a critical difference in the sustainability of this ministry.
For some of us we may have gifts to serve the Lord that are a better fit in a ministry that is not directly under the purview of Faith UMC. I will do my best to try to include opportunities for mission which may interest you in our newsletters whether they are ministries of Faith or of another organization.
I encourage you to expand the reach of our congregation wherever God invites you to serve.
I invite you to share the opportunities you may be aware of with the office or with me, so they may also be shared here.