Pastor’s Page

Dear Faith UMC family, thank you! Our lovely luncheon on Sunday far exceeded any expectations I may have had. The food was just delicious and weren’t those dolphins something else. It was so nice to spend time with you enjoying the abundance of wonderful food you had so lovingly prepared and most of all our … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Page

When I first came to Faith UMC as your pastor, there were already three strong, long-standing ministries continuing to serve the community around us. Like many who live in this area, I was aware of how those ministries were blessing our neighbors. I was excited to come here and be a small part of what … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Page

By the time I return from Annual conference, we will only have two more Sundays together. Where have the years gone? We have had our ups and downs, including surviving through a pandemic, and coming out with existing ministries intact and even growing and ready to take our next step forward. Faith UMC is a … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Page

Greetings from Your Leadership Board, A couple of weeks ago, we announced our new pastor would be Pastor Judy Bennettor as she is more often called Pastor Judy. Pastor Judy’s first Sunday with us will be July 2 nd .We realize not everyone attended that service, either in the sanctuary or online, so wewant to … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Page

1 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name! 2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, 3 who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, 4 who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Page

With Mother’s day coming up this Sunday, May 14, I have been thinking about my relationship with my mom. I can picture myself or my brother saying something like this to our mother. The mere fact that we survived childhood surely is an indication that our mom was a patient, loving, good Christian woman. Very … [Read more…]