Pastor’s Page

Greetings, As the first year of Faith UMC operating under the unified Leadership Board comes to a close, we wanted to update you on some of the Board’s accomplishments in its first year and lay out where the Board is headed in 2023. We want to keep you informed of what we are doing. Just … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Page

Did anyone else see the beautiful rainbow, late Wednesday this week? The colors were just stunning. It had been a gloomy rainy day all day, so the contrast of the exquisite beauty of the rainbow with the earlier part of the day made it that much more spectacular. One would have thought it was the … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Page

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, although we may not all share all the views espoused by Bishop Olivetto and affirmed by Bishop Easterling, I believe it is important for us to hear each other’s voices.  Certainly we all grieve with our brothers and sisters in Colorado over the senseless violence and loss of life … [Read more…]

Volunteers Needed

We are in need of drivers one Sunday a month for our homeless ministry. Must have valid driver license. Will train and show route. If interested please contact:Miguel Palacio at 301-523-5445 or by email We could really use some help manning our Thrift Store. If you are available from 9-12 on even one Friday … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Page

The Sunday following this one begins Advent. We have just begun our Midweek Advent study “Prepare the Way for the Lord” and will be on chapter 2 on the Wednesday after Thanksgiving. That means you have plenty of time to catch-up on the reading and join us. You can even find the video we watched … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Page

It’s hard to believe the General Election will happen, ready or not, this coming Tuesday and just over two weeks from then will be Thanksgiving. Growing up celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends getting together and sharing our favorite holiday foods such as oyster stuffing, an apple dish my brother makes, cranberry sauce, … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Page

If I were you, I would be wondering why my pastor is beginning an Advent study the first Wednesday in November when the first Sunday in Advent isn’t until November 27 th . It is certainly not an unreasonable question, so I thought I would share a little of our upcoming worship and study plans. … [Read more…]