Pastor’s Page

I was thinking this morning about why I am United Methodist versus any other Christian denomination. The answer is rather simple. The biggest reason is the theology is most consistent with my personal beliefs. There are, however, other reasons. One reason is all the opportunities I have been given to learn more and to grow … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Page

Church Conference, General Conference, holy conferencing, what’s that all about? Holy conferencing is how we come together, led by the Holy Spirit to reach consensus as a body of the church. The conferences at all the various levels of the church, from General Conference to Charge or Church Conference, allows each body to speak and … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Page

There will be no Pastor’s page this week as Pastor Peggy is on vacation. Let’s all take a moment to pray for her that she has safe travels and comes back refreshed and renewed. The Pastor’s page will be back next week!

Pastor’s Page

Did you ever have one of those days? You know the type I’m referring to, don’t you? You step out to get your morning paper and it is not there or it is sopping wet. You follow someone into a building, and they slam the door in your face. You get a phone call from … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Page

The Lord has promised good to me,His Word my hope secures;He will my Shield and Portion be,as long as life endures. The words from the third verse of John Newton’s hymn “Amazing Grace” are likely familiar to most, as is the promise. The Lord has been keeping his promises to his children across all time. … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Page

Besides all the quick prayers, I imagine we all might find ourselves lifting to the Lord on any given day, I have gotten in the habit of setting aside at least three times a day as specific times for prayer, study, and meditation. Like many, my set times are first thing in the morning, midday, … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Page

“Make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Colossians 4:5-6 It occurs to me that I do not always look for every opportunity or even recognize some that may be right smack dab in front of me. … [Read more…]