It began with the “45 Minute Club” and then a challenge to “Read the Bible In A Year.” Many of us are doing one or both of those things, but are also inspired to support each other in growing stronger in our study of God’s Word.
Let us know how we might support you. Reach out to Pastor Peggy and let us know of your interest.
Please note that Communion Kits are available for those worshipping at home in the church office during office hours each week and Pastor Peggy happy to make arrangements outside of those hours for anyone who needs to pick up at a different time or would like to receive Communion in their home. We also have available in the Narthex and the church office printed copies of the a Read the Bible in a Year Plan.
MIDWEEK BIBLE STUDY: at 6:30 PM on 2/9. All are welcome. The only book we are using is the Bible, so grab a cup of coffee or tea, settle in, and join us.
SUNDAY BIBLE STUDY: is back in session. Join us at 8:30 AM as we study Revelation. All are welcomed!