Pastor’s Page

The Sunday following this one begins Advent. We have just begun our Midweek Advent study “Prepare the Way for the Lord” and will be on chapter 2 on the Wednesday after Thanksgiving. That means you have plenty of time to catch-up on the reading and join us. You can even find the video we watched … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Page

It’s hard to believe the General Election will happen, ready or not, this coming Tuesday and just over two weeks from then will be Thanksgiving. Growing up celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends getting together and sharing our favorite holiday foods such as oyster stuffing, an apple dish my brother makes, cranberry sauce, … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Page

If I were you, I would be wondering why my pastor is beginning an Advent study the first Wednesday in November when the first Sunday in Advent isn’t until November 27 th . It is certainly not an unreasonable question, so I thought I would share a little of our upcoming worship and study plans. … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Page

October has a lot going on. The first half of the month ends the month-long recognition of the contributions of those of Hispanic heritage to our nation. At the end of the month many are having celebrations of the fall. Children and children at heart participate in costume parades and other community Halloween activities. In … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Page

This is such a lovely time of year in this part of the world. The leaves are just beginning to turn. There is a freshness and crispness to the air when one gets up in the morning. Ah, but then if you turn on the news, it doesn’t always seem so lovely, does it? However, … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Page

Faith UMC has much to thank God for during the past year. Some highlights which spring to mind: Consolidation of online and Sanctuary services Active role in 210 Corridor services by co-hosting the Ash Wednesday service and hosting another service at Faith; Implementation of a Unified Board in January of 2022; Sending one of our … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Page

I find Proverbs to be one of the most challenging books in the Bible. There are so many small nuggets of wisdom in Proverbs that I will tend to read through it overlooking much. Today I feel led to spend a bit of time reflecting on Proverbs 4:23 and would ask you to do the … [Read more…]