Pastor’s Page

“Make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Colossians 4:5-6 It occurs to me that I do not always look for every opportunity or even recognize some that may be right smack dab in front of me. … [Read more…]

Support Gun Violence Prevention Now

From the Baltimore-Washington Conference Advocacy and Action Ministry As of July 2022, our nation has been traumatized by 332 mass shootings. Bishop LaTrelle Easterling has released a number of statements as these shootings have continually unfolded in places like Smithsburg, MD, Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, NY. We mourn, grieve, and to pray for those who … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Page

When I was a child, I was taught in church that when we realized we had done something wrong we needed to first and foremost repent and turn to God. When Jesus teaches us how to pray, this is a vital component of our prayer. We are taught to ask God to forgive us our … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Page

When I worked in Washington, DC, I worked about a block away from the Church of the Epiphany in NW. During my season there, I found a second church home. It was close enough to work to allow me to occasionally join a book study or Bible study or to worship during my lunch time. … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Page

Rep. Adam Kinzinger tweeted a compilation of recent calls interns received while working in his office. Please keep in mind that typically these interns are idealistic high school or college students who are attempting to learn about the legislative process of their nation. The recordings were shocking. The language used is in these calls is … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Page

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Most of us will recognize these words found in the second paragraph of “The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united … [Read more…]

Pastor’s Page

BWC perseveres in hope, faith, joyBy Melissa Lauber Amid mass shootings, wars abroad, two years of pandemic and isolation, oppression, depression, and anxiety, the Baltimore-Washington Conference met online in its Annual session June 1-3 for a time of prayer, holy conferencing, and to proclaim a spirt of perseverance and Spirit-led vitality. We’re living through a … [Read more…]