As we think of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection during this Easter season, surely if we love our Lord, we must reflect on the pain our sin brings not only to the world but also to our Lord and Savior. Desiring to do no harm, desiring to live into this amazing gift of love we’ve been given in Jesus Christ we have fresh resolve to no longer sin against our Lord.
Ah, but to not sin, to do no harm, how does one live that out? Where does one begin? The Psalmist writes in Psalm 119:11, “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” The Apostle Paul when advising us to put on the full armor of God warns us to take “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God,” (Ephesians 6:17b ESV).
I pray we are all doing that in our year in the Bible in our family here at Faith. It occurred to me during Midweek Bible Study there are some tools, in addition to Bible Study and the ones John has shared, which some of us are using that may be helpful to others as we work together to grow in God’s word and take up the sword of the Spirit.
One tool for those who are online and interested in doing deep dives is the Blue Letter Bible (Bible Search and Study Tools – Blue Letter Bible). This site offers audio and written devotionals, a number of different translations of the Bible (including an interlinear Bible), commentaries, Strong’s Concordance, dictionaries, and other resources, all at no charge.
Another resource available to you also online, on smartphones, and on Roku TV is Amplify Media. There is a church account free to anyone connected with Faith. Some of the resources I have enjoyed on Amplify include the video resources for Magrey R. DeVega’s “The Bible Year”. If you are reading through chapter by chapter, just go to the one for the place where you are reading for a fresh insight or new perspective on what
you have been studying. There are also
many other studies and teachings
available there led by well known
leaders in faith.
If you haven’t already signed on to Amplify Media and need the Faith code for the free account or any assistance with accessing this service, just let me know or contact the church office. We are walking together in the Word and in God’s love. May we continue to grow and love one another as He has loved us.
In His Love,
Pastor Peggy