Each week during our worship when we talk about giving our gifts to the Lord, we remember the abundance of God’s provision in our lives from which we might return a small portion back to the Lord and the work of the church. We do this not just through our monetary gifts to support the many ministries here at Faith and in our local community but also to support the global ministries of the church.
In addition to our financial support there are many opportunities to share our time, talent, and spiritual gifts for the upbuilding of the church. One opportunity is to offer to serve in a leadership position on our leadership board or the committee on nominations and leadership development.
We have already nominated the members for these two committees as well as other key church offices for the coming year, but now is a good time to talk with these leaders and discern if perhaps this is an area where you might be of service to the Lord.
Those who will be nominated to serve on our leadership board in 2023 are:
John Jacobs, Chair & Lay Member to Annual Conference
Miguel Palacio, Vice Chair & Lay Leader
Karen Stern, Secretary & Membership Chair
Terry Coddington, Treasurer
Temple Palacio, Reserve Member to Annual Conference
Floyd Makle, Facilities Team Lead
Carolyn Vaughn
Our nominations and leadership development members are Peggy Ireland, Kay Perry, Cheryl Makle, Terry Coddington and Trinity Palacio.
There are many ways to serve God in and out of the church. How is God calling you to serve? Let’s talk about it.
In His Love,
Pastor Peggy,