If I were you, I would be wondering why my pastor is beginning an Advent study the first Wednesday in November when the first Sunday in Advent isn’t until November 27 th . It is certainly not an unreasonable question, so I thought I would share a little of our upcoming worship and study plans.
The study we are using is Adam Hamilton’s “Prepare the Way for The Lord”. For our study we will be meeting online and sharing videos and conversation around the message of John the Baptist. I expect the study to run for six weeks. Starting earlier in November allows us to take a break Thanksgiving week and to not be conflicted towards the end of the study with holiday events and preparations demanding our time.
In preparation for the Season of Advent which begins on November 27 we will have booklets of Advent daily devotions provided by The Society of St. Andrew available in the Narthex and the office for anyone who would like one. These booklets contain Scripture readings, reflections, prayers for each day of Advent and support John’s message to “Prepare the way of the Lord.” They also contain information about the important work of the Society of St. Andrew.
With all this going on, we will still remember our loved ones and all the saints who have gone before us on All Saints Day and All Saints Sunday. We’ll have a hymn sing on November 13. We will celebrate all that God is blessing us with during Thanksgiving and certainly schedule a time to hang the greens. We shall continue to rejoice on Sunday, November 20, Christ the King Sunday. Then as we begin Advent we will have a sermon series on Preparing the Way of the Lord.
We should always live lives full of expectancy and hope. May we be blessed to do so.
In His Love,
Pastor Peggy