The Sunday following this one begins Advent. We have just begun our Midweek Advent study “Prepare the Way for the Lord” and will be on chapter 2 on the Wednesday after Thanksgiving. That means you have plenty of time to catch-up on the reading and join us.
You can even find the video we watched with chapter 1 on Amplify Media. Members and worshippers at Faith have access to that and all the resources of Amplify Media free through the church account. When you first sign up just use our access code which can usually be found in the announcements in our weekly newsletter.
Another resource we have available to bless us during the Advent season this year are devotionals provided courtesy of the Society of St. Andrew. You will find these in the Narthex on both tables and on the table by the door in Founders Hall.
As we round out our year of the Bible, I pray we will be intentional in our celebration of Advent. When I was a child there was an Advent Calendar in our home each year. My thoughts at that age were focused on the joy of Christmas gift giving, (which had become a tradition in our household) and the calendar was a tool to count down to the anticipated gifts.
It is my prayer in our celebration of the Christ Child and the tinsel and glitter of anticipating the Christmas season, we do not lose our focus on Advent; that as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ, we do not lose our focus on Christ coming again. This Advent season let us be intentional about preparing the way for our LORD.
Blessings, Pastor Peggy