Pastor’s Page

Beloved, when our dear sister in Christ, Joy Brown wrote this message, it was to share with a young woman working in a sewing factory in Landisville, NJ, who had discovered she had cancer. In years that followed Joy would leave this message for others who would go through hard times to reflect the light of Christ in their lives. As we remember Joy, let us recall this beautiful message of hope and encouragement she shared with so many friends and that is now being shared with you…

Be Patient

Friend, are you crushed beneath a heavy load?

Does there seem to be no way out?

If only we could see through our spiritual eyes!

We would see the hand of God fitting the pieces of our life together.

He knows where those missing pieces are that we thought were lost forever!

He sends his angels to watch over us, unseen by us.

That ray of sunlight through your window was from Him.

That little bird that flew to a branch nearby and seemed to look right at you.

Do they know something that we don’t know?

Are the birds tuned into the mind of God?

If it could speak, it would say:
“Cheer up, be patient a little longer. The answer is on the way.”

Did you ever see the raindrops suddenly come down?

In rhythm with the tears you were crying?

Did you think they were the tears of God?

Do you know His heart is sad when you cry, and He cries with you?

Do you ever ask why?

Why doesn’t He change things so you can rejoice and praise Him?

Be patient…it isn’t time yet.

The answer is on the way!

While you wait you are learning great lessons.

Through suffering and sorrow, we learn patience.

And we learn to lean on Him. We learn to trust Him.

Some lessons can only be learned in this way.

Remember, he knows what is best for us.

He is preparing us for the future he has planned for us. If we don’t learn these lessons now we won’t be ready when He comes. The crushing weight is really the hand of God.

Keep praying! Don’t despair!
Trust him who made the butterfly and the tiny firefly and the great eagle.

He doesn’t make mistakes.

From a friend