There are so many things I would like to share with you this week. First I would like to chat a bit about Disability Awareness. The month of March is Disability Awareness month. Our consciousness of the differing abilities of others is one of the many opportunities we as followers of Jesus Christ can embrace in extending radical hospitality and sharing the love and light of Christ with the world.
As we enter God’s house this week, let us look with fresh eyes at how we might be more welcoming to those who may differ from us. How easy is it to find your way to the Sanctuary? How accessible is it for those in wheelchairs or on crutches? What about our restrooms? Once you get in, can you easily get out if one side of you was paralyzed? Can you reach the light switch from a wheelchair?
There is so much we don’t always think about. When I was purchasing food for Fellowship hour, I purchased sweets totally overlooking those who had diets which would not allow them to consume the sweets. I’m so grateful someone took the time to point out my oversight so it could be corrected.
We also have opportunity this Sunday to support the special offering for the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). Our gifts on this special Sunday underwrite all of the administrative costs of UMCOR so they are able to train, coordinate and send out early response teams and volunteers in mission to places where disaster strikes as well as provide missional support around the world. When anyone gives to a cause such as supporting the people of the Ukraine through UMCOR, they can rest assured all their gift has gone to the designated cause.
Finally, I would like to put in a plug for Disciple Bible Study. I have participated in Disciple Bible Study more than once and always grown stronger in my faith, as well as built significant relationships with my fellow disciples as we studied together. I can’t praise Disciple Fast Track enough. It took the best of the original Disciple Study and improved upon it. I encourage you to reach out to John with your interest and to invite your friends to join you in the study.
If you wish to know more about Disciple Fast Track there is a 1 minute video on Amplify Media at Disciple Fast Track I Amplify Media. If you are not already using Amplify Media it will ask you for your access code which is ZTWKDS. The Amplify account is free to anyone associated with Faith UMC, so enjoy. (I’m also glad to show you the video after worship or on Zoom if that is easier for you.)
That is all for now.
Pastor Peggy