Have you given any thought as to how you will spend Holy Week this year? It occurred to me that we as God’s children at Faith might try doing something new this Holy Week.
The plan is to spend each day thinking of a way we can be an unexpected blessing to someone else. It won’t necessarily be anything big, but just initially looking for or creating an opportunity to bring blessing to someone else. I’d like to invite each of you to join me in celebrating the wonder of Holy Week in this way.
Perhaps we will send a card or note to someone we haven’t seen for a while or encourage someone who doesn’t think we notice all they do. We may call a friend from out of state, who we haven’t spoken with in months or years just to catch up and let them know what they mean to us.
We may seek an opportunity to offer unexpected kindness to a family member or colleague. Possibly we will pay for someone else’s groceries in the grocery store or buy a stranger a meal while eating out. We will look around and see if there is a neighbor who might need assistance with something around their home or a ride somewhere.
There are so many ideas which I believe God will reveal to us, if we are intentional in spending a bit of time with God each day and asking the Spirit to lead us to the right intentional kindness in that day. It is something we can each do in our own way out of praise and gratitude during this Holy Week as we reflect on all our God has done for us.
May we be blessed as His people of Faith to be intentional about sharing our Lord’s love and grace in the days to come.
Pastor Peggy