Do you ever have a week where a word just keeps popping up in all aspects of your life? For me this past week, the word has been “forgive.” It hasn’t just been in my Bible study, but I even read a newspaper article discussing results of a study which indicated the ability to forgive is beneficial for our physical health.
When I look at the world around me and witness the wars, the anger, the violence between human beings, I can’t help but think a bit more forgiveness in the world would do us all good. So why are we so unforgiving and so hostile to each other?
One article I read said that in churches we often preach that it is important to forgive but seldom discuss how to do so. I am going to share with you what works for me and welcome additions, comments, and discussion on this from anyone who reads this. Let us learn and grow together.
My first step in forgiving is to pray. I pray for God’s mercy on me and for God to soften the hardness of my heart. I pray for the person I believe has wronged me or harmed someone whom I care about. I pray for those who have been harmed or may be harmed by this person’s or my actions in the future.
My next step is to reflect on the grace God has already extended to me, the grace God has promised to me and the sacrifice of God’s precious Son, Jesus Christ on my behalf, for the forgiveness of my sins. There is no amount of giving which I can do as a Christian that will come close to what God has already done for me, for us.
Finally, I try to see the person or persons who I feel have wronged me as the individuals God created. I do my best to have eyes to see what may have prompted their action and in the rare occasions when I can’t even begin to understand, I return to my first step and leave any anger with God because I know God did not make me to be burdened with guilt, anger, or hatred. God made me to share the love of Christ.
In His Love,
Pastor Peggy