Pastor’s Page

When I first came to Faith UMC as your pastor, there were already three strong, long-standing ministries continuing to serve the community around us. Like many who live in this area, I was aware of how those ministries were blessing our neighbors. I was excited to come here and be a small part of what Faith has done for so long.

Barbara and Ellen and the others who served in the Thrift Store (sometimes known in the community as “Barbara’s Store”) not only made needed items available at an affordable price, but they developed warm relationships with the many people who have come to shop across the years. Miguel, Temple, and I have been personal shoppers there for some of our neighbors without homes, as well.

Which leads me to speak of Faith’s longstanding ministry to the homeless. I’ve heard wonderful stories from some I have met in DC of Rev. Dorsch’s trips to serve them. Rev. Smith and Rev. Bennett continue to bring the confirmation classes from the churches where they are serving on one of the trips. We have partnerships within our Annual Conference and the Virginia Annual Conference in this ministry as well as from other faith-based and secular community organizations.

The third ministry which Faith began was the food pantry, which although hosted by Faith is now run by CSS. An important part of the Capital Area Food Bank, the Accokeek Food Pantry serves an underserved part of Prince George’s County and has continued to grow to meet the needs of the community following the pandemic.

Through your faithfulness to serve God and serve God’s people, and your prayers, God has really blessed each of these ministries.

You sustained them through a global pandemic and they remain strong. That’s not all! Faith began to serve God in a new way this year, as we extended hospitality to the young ladies in Girl Scout Troop 21028 and became their new home. Pastor Judy and I were invited to their Awards Ceremony this past Monday evening. What a joy it was. It is exciting to see these young women from the community so excited about working together in service and growing in knowledge and discipline.

At the end of the meeting several girls came over and talked with us about the different awards they had earned and the work they had done to earn them. A few of them, even the very young ones received awards for work they had done gathering supplies and putting together health kits to give to the homeless and expressed interest in increased involvement with Faith’s homeless ministry.

I am still smiling as I recall how happy and excited, they were to be serving others and making a difference in the world. I am also smiling imagining all the places God will take my dear friends at Faith as you continue to grow in your discipleship journey and expand your mission outreach.

Blessings, Pastor Peggy