Dear friends, please hold in prayer the families and friends of a United Methodist brother in Christ, former State Senator Clyde Bernard (Bernie) Fowler (who passed away on December 12) and Officer Keona Holley of the Baltimore Police department (who was shot in the line of duty on December 16 and passed away on December 23).
I, also, remind you that we will be sharing Communion this first Sunday of the New Year. If you are worshipping from home you are welcome to pick up Communion kits from the church office on Wednesday or Thursday morning or by appointment on New Year’s day.
Finally, I hope you have been in prayer about the read the Bible in a year challenge and feel led to take that up or in some way to grow in the Word. I remind you we will be having Bible Study at the usual time this Wednesday and will resume Sunday morning Bible Study on the January 9th. Please join either or both studies as you are able, and if there is another time or day that better meets your needs, please let me know. Information for tomorrow night’s study is below.
Topic: Faith Mid-Week Bible Study – Genesis
Time: 6:30 – 7:30 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Pastor Peggy